Workshop on Ecological-Energy Transition
When: 24th June 2021, 10:30 - 12:00
The Ecological – Energy Transition will be the basis of the new economic and social model of development on a global scale, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.
10:30 Opening session: European Opportunities
welcome greetings Filippo Ammirati ENEA- Enterprise Europe Network
- Federica Forte, ENEA Laboratory Technologies for the Reuse, Recycling, Recovery and valorisation of Waste and Materials
Towards a circular approach for the valorization of complex matrices. Case studies
- Mario Malinconico, Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials, CNR
ELB-End of life boats: the ETE Process for complex waste recycling
- Vincenzo Conte, D&D Holding - Marketing & Sales
The "Mario Diana" Foundation and D&D Holding together for the circular economy
- Gianni Porciani, opus automazione SpA - Sales manager
opus a shoulder for green technology
- Marco Iuorio, STRESS scarl - General Manager
R&D for circular economy and energy transition in the construction sector: the experiences and perspectives of Technology District STRESS
Each intervention will last 10 min followed by 5 min Q&A
Pitch session of the "Innovation Village Award 2021" finalist projects
When: 04th-05th November 2021, 10:30 - 12:00
Innovation Village Award is an annual award that enhances the experiences of sustainable innovation which can make a contribution towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Thematic area 1: Digital manufacturing | Design | Building | Digital craftsmanship
Thematic area 2: New materials | Advanced materials
Thematic area 3: Smart Technologies | IT | IoT | Robotics | Fintech
Thematic area 4: Cultural heritage, Environmental and Public goods | Innovation and social research | Accessibility | Education and Training | Digital Education | Social housing | Community sound broadcasting | Social and cultural tourism
Thematic area 5: Biomedical | Health | Amateur sport
Thematic area 6: Environment | Energy | Sustainable mobility | Blue Growth | Smart City
Thematic area 7: Sustainable and social agriculture | Agrifood